What are the misconceptions about learning Spanish ?
Are there any misconceptions about learning Spanish that you'd like to address?
12 months ago3 answers
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Jennifer Corralizza
Spanish tutor
• contactLearning Spanish is not difficult, perhaps the conjugations are considered complicated but with practice when you learn and understand the grammar correctly it is usually very easy, also many times people do not want to repeat a topic or a word, but repetition is an aspect key to being able to learn something, anything, if you remember something in Spanish, it is possibly because you have heard it many times and you continue to hear it, which is why it is one of the keys in my opinion, to repeat, practice and learn from mistakes to continue learning and improving.
10 months ago 1 upvotes
Octavio Olenik Giaccaglia
Spanish tutor
• contactThere are plenty, but I’d like to address one in particular: people will always tell you to listen to music or to watch films, which is an amazing idea overall, but one needs to take into account that a passive role towards content will do pretty much nothing for someone.
An active approach is essential for making the most of the content: reading the lyrics/subtitles, actively trying to comprehend what’s being said and trying to grasp as much as possible on what’s going on is the actual and smart way to learn a language by consuming media.
An active approach is essential for making the most of the content: reading the lyrics/subtitles, actively trying to comprehend what’s being said and trying to grasp as much as possible on what’s going on is the actual and smart way to learn a language by consuming media.
10 months ago 1 upvotes
Kieran Ball
Spanish tutor
• contactA common misconception is that there are some people who just aren’t very good at learning languages, and this is rubbish. If you speak your own language, then you can learn another; it’s as simple as that.
10 months ago 1 upvotes
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