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What's your pixel art style specialty?

Are there particular styles or genres within pixel art that you consider your specialty or signature?
6 months ago8 answers
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I have a particular interest in 8-bit and 16-bit pixel art that emulates the the graphics from 80s and 90s gaming machines such as Sega Genesis, SNES, Commodore Amiga and C64. I grew up playing those machines so I have a special connection and love for them and still follow the retro gaming scene today.
I have developed my own style which is heavily influenced by the Commodore Amiga and usually work with a 256 color palette.
Image uploaded by Miguello1980 for the question: What's your pixel art style specialty?Image uploaded by Miguello1980 for the question: What's your pixel art style specialty?Image uploaded by Miguello1980 for the question: What's your pixel art style specialty?Image uploaded by Miguello1980 for the question: What's your pixel art style specialty?Image uploaded by Miguello1980 for the question: What's your pixel art style specialty?
5 months ago 1 upvotes
I am quite versatile with my design styles as I get requested frequently with varying styles and design needs. Plus for myself I like to create various design styles for my project needs. Mostly I have a tendency to draw people, mainly portraits with subtle hints of Cyberpunk/futuristic vibes.
Image uploaded by futurosurf for the question: What's your pixel art style specialty?Image uploaded by futurosurf for the question: What's your pixel art style specialty?Image uploaded by futurosurf for the question: What's your pixel art style specialty?
5 months ago 1 upvotes


Pixel artist
My specialty is unique cover work, usually for albums, screens or banners. I enjoy creating detailed environments, and playing with colour and lighting. I like my colour palettes to be bold and exciting. Often times, pixel art is more about a limited palette, than it is about resolution! Having said that, I have worked on a diverse range of projects. I have worked on character sprites and environment assets for games, assets for streaming, and even animated shots for film! I am always surprised by the diversity of media pixel art is used for, and whilst I do have a specialty, I do try not to pass up on opportunities outside of this, to avoid limiting myself.
5 months ago 1 upvotes
I'd say that my specialty is my ability to keep a consistent art style, whether this be working by myself on a long-form project, picking up where other artists have left off, or adding to their work.
I've found that I have a good eye for detail, and I'm particularly good at character design, coming up with characters that fit whatever setting a client throws at me.
I generally try to stick to making pixel art for game development purposes.
5 months ago 1 upvotes
I specialise in characters, vehicles, environments and tile sets. My work has also brought me to 3D and 2.5D Styles of pixel art. Although these are only limited to my experience from being the commonly requested, any unique requests are always welcome in expanding my repertoire.
5 months ago 1 upvotes
I've been heavily involved in creating artwork for games inspired by the style of Megaman X. However, I would consider my specialty to lean more towards retro fighting games such as Marvel vs. Capcom or Street Fighter.
5 months ago 1 upvotes
Yes, I mostly specialise background designs and their animations and UI UX designs of the games . I also specialise in NFTs design and the Twitter, discord and twitch banners etc.
5 months ago 1 upvotes
The genres of pixel art I specialize in are portraiture and sprites. While I can do realism, I feel my strengths are cartoon and anime subject matter.
5 months ago 1 upvotes