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What tools do you use for pixel art?

What digital tools or software do you typically employ when creating your pixel art pieces, and why?
6 months ago8 answers
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I use Aseprite for my pixel art as it combines old school methods of drawing with modern features like layer filters etc. It also supports animation which makes it very versatile and suits my needs perfectly.
I also use BlastFX for making particle based animations such as fire and explosions. It has tools for reducing colors and pixelization so it mixes well with my other software.
Image uploaded by Miguello1980 for the question: What tools do you use for pixel art?
5 months ago 1 upvotes
I use an XP-PEN graphics tablet and I use the mouse to create work, I hop between the two when needed.

I predominantly use Aseprite for the UI/UX , its speed, simplicity and its fun to use. I have used it to create all the works you have seen. Its my no.1 program for pixel art!

Although not strictly designed for pixel art, photoshop is a great tool I use once in a while. For photoshop is a bigger program and you can get more creative doing pixel art and animations with its multitude of tools.

I used Adobe Premiere Pro to make the reel attached. I don't use Premiere Pro to create pixel art but use it to aid in creating long duration animation pieces and when I need to make mp4 files for various needs and when I need to add music and sound effects to an animation!
5 months ago 1 upvotes


Pixel artist
I mainly use Aseprite for creating pixel art pieces. I use it primarily because unlike other software such as Photoshop or Illustrator, it has been built primarily for pixel art, so it saves a lot of setting up in other software. On top of this, it's "pixel-perfect" freehand tracing algorithm is really useful in creating clean lines, especially when working on shapes with a lot of curvature and organic outlines. It is also very simple and intuitive to use, and comes with all the tools necessary to create great artwork! There are also scripts available that allow you to export as a Photoshop document, to allow for easy sharing. For vectors, I usually export from Aseprite as a .svg and clean up in Illustrator.
5 months ago 1 upvotes
I use pixaki on iPad and sometimes aseprite for some work that pixaki can’t do.
But When I first started, I used the photoshop on my laptop with the mouse and I had the phone with a pencil compatibility, I used pixel studio in that.
I still use pixel studio in my iPad too. Every software has different tools that another don’t have so I keep all of these for quick working.
5 months ago 1 upvotes
Grid paper is a good place to start, as I come from traditional art roots, I still like to use a tactile medium when it comes to concepting my designs, getting the creative juices to flow.

Using a mouse and keyboard, I have worked in Photoshop from the start. It is a versatile program containing a lot of useful tools for animating, formatting and organizing assets.
5 months ago 1 upvotes

I use a program called Aseprite, which I find to be excellent when it comes to both creating and animating pixel art. As for tools, I usually make pixel art using a mouse. For larger subjects, I use a drawing tablet to sketch it out first, and then use a mouse afterwards.
5 months ago 1 upvotes
I initially used Photoshop, but Aseprite has become my go-to tool for creating pixel art and animations. Its specialized features have significantly streamlined my workflow, making it incredibly easy to bring my artistic visions to life.
5 months ago 1 upvotes
I use Aseprite mostly, but I've also worked with 3D retro games where I'll use Substance Painter and Blender for pixel art textures
5 months ago 1 upvotes