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What tips do you have for hiring freelance pixel artists?

What advice would you give to someone looking to hire a pixel artist for a successful collaboration?
6 months ago8 answers
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Pixel artist
First and foremost, a clear brief is always appreciated! Having references of existing work that you like is always helpful. Don't be afraid to ask questions! Most pixel artists are experts in their field and may be able to offer suggestions if you are unsure as to what direction you want your project/artwork to go in. You may not have all the specifications at hand when first approaching the artist, but this is fine as long as you can work with the artist to iron out the details before starting. They may be able to offer you a range of options. As for choosing a pixel artist, it's all in the portfolio! If you like what you see, and you think an artist's style is a good fit, do reach out! Also consider what media the artist works in, whether they exclusively work with games, or if they do other types of pixel artwork.
5 months ago 1 upvotes
1. Be sure you fully know what you want when wanting to hire, try not to be vague. As a pixel artist I love to see detailed briefs with references/sketches

2. Check Portfolios, look for quality work that is ranged or is close to a style that you require

3. Take note of their communication skills, their politeness and promptness

4. Question their experience level in creating pixel art.

5. If available, check testimonies of their previous clients.

6. Consider flexibility when negotiating time and hire costs.

7. Be open to the artists suggestions and feedback, they may have expertise in your request and could help improve it!

8. Look around their socials to perhaps get an idea/outlook on their work ethic and attitude, it can help you narrow down and find a great artist who will be a great fit for your request(s)
5 months ago 1 upvotes
I would suggest that they first research a few different art styles and try to chose an artist that can showcase similar work to guarantee the best aesthetic for their project.
Communication is also very important in a collaboration so I would suggest to talk to several artists before making a decision and to chose someone they feel is easy to talk to and can discuss ideas with and will respond quickly to their correspondence.
The cheapest, or highest rated is not always the best. Try to choose the artist that understands your vision, is happy to talk details and can provide relevant experience.
5 months ago 1 upvotes
When it comes to big projects, ask the artist to do a "style test" first to make sure they're the right fit. Also, be as clear as you can about what exactly you are looking for.

There's a Twitter/X event called "Portfolio Day" that happens every few months where artists show off their best works. I feel that's a great opportunity to find pixel artists for your projects.

5 months ago 1 upvotes
Make sure they're communicative from the get-go and interested in hearing what you have to say about your project. With pixel art, and any art hire I'd say it's the most important thing that you're hiring someone with people skills as there's going to be a lot of back and forth about the design of something so an artist's ego mustn't get in the way of the final product.
5 months ago 1 upvotes
Pixel art can be a costly investment, and typically, you get what you pay for. Professional pixel artists often handle multiple projects simultaneously, so it may take some time to achieve the quality you're seeking. It's crucial to thoroughly review the artist's portfolio to ensure they can deliver the style and quality you need for your project.
5 months ago 1 upvotes
Make sure you have a clear understanding of what you like and dislike, depending on the scope of a project you may create the visual language with them, or you may already have it, but communicating your thoughts, wants and needs coherently and efficiently can go a long way to getting your artist on the same brain wave as you.
5 months ago 1 upvotes
Always compare the charges and the professionalism of the artist. And always go for the ones who keep you updated with the progress.
5 months ago 1 upvotes